Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1420732 FZ18

Topped with snow

22 Dec 2008 153
Would you believe the temperature was -30C today when four of us went east of Calgary, to Drumheller for the day. I think we only walked about 7 km in total, but at that temperature, it was COLD, COLD, COLD! Not sure if these are the berries of Thorny Buffaloberry.

Wild bunny

21 Dec 2008 210
I was going to say that this is a wild European Rabbit, but then had the feeling that the European Rabbits are plain black or black and white (we did see maybe four of these today). Then, when I was looking at a photo of another similar Rabbit taken today, I noticed the rusty brown back of the neck and remembered it must be a Cottontail. I also saw your comment, Doug, but I didn't know there were different kinds of Cottontail. These little wild rabbits and the wild European ones run around the town of Canmore, Kananaskis, near Banff, in the Rocky Mountains. Saw this little guy today when we were in Canmore for the Bird Count. Only saw 17 species today, but I think most birds were hiding from the deep-freeze that we are having at the moment. Temperatures were around -30C today (-22F) and we walked for five and a half hours! Have provided a link in answer to BauboBittern's interesting question/comment below.