Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: fd's flickrtoys


25 Jan 2009 168
My son was born in Seria, Brunei, Borneo "MANY" years ago. Population is a mix of Malays and Chinese. Every year, I look forward to seeing the design for the new Chinese New Year (Year of the Ox) postage stamp(s) for Canada. I reckon they are some of the most beautiful stamps produced in Canada each year. Thanks once again, fd, for creating the Motivator program : )


22 Dec 2008 192
Only three more days till Christmas, for those of you who will be celebrating! A few shiny baubles - actually part of a wreath that I bought recently, partly so that I could take a few photos, and it was even on sale : ) - to wish you all a very Happy Christmas!


12 Dec 2008 157
Happy Birthday to my youngest daughter, Rachel! She is still on a trip to New Zealand but will be returning home to Vancouver soon. Hope she is greeted by a blanket of snow on her return to the West Coast, LOL! It's snowing heavily where I am. A windchill temperature of around -40C for Sunday!!! (Thanks as always, fd!)

Rest in peace, little Caylee

19 Dec 2008 195
I made this poster a couple of days ago, hoping that there might be no need to use it. However, the breaking news today is that the remains found recently in Florida ARE those of little two-year-old (almost three) Caylee Marie Anthony. I have followed this huge case closely for the last few months and it has caught the attention and emotions of so many people. I won't go into how I fail to understand how any mother (assuming she is found guilty at trial) could ever do this to another human being, especially her own beautiful little daughter. I will simply say "It's a sad, sad day today."

A few wildflowers

19 Aug 2008 117
I recently changed to a new computer and, in the process, I had to try and re-install my old camera software. I get an error that I can't solve and so had to turn to my Adobe PhotoShop Elements that was uploaded to my new hard drive. I wanted to send a few photos to several people and hadn't had time to learn anything about Elements, so in frustration, I suddenly realized that of course I could make a quick Flickr mosaic. I didn't upload it to Flickr, but I keep coming across it in My Pictures. Today, I decided that I would upload it here after all. Perhaps I should have saved it for a -30C and snowy day, LOL! Sorry to bore you, Doug! From top, left to right: Nodding/Musk Thistle, Nuttall's Sunflower, Grass-of-Parnassus, Bird'sfoot Trefoil, Wild Bergamot, Nodding/MuskThistle, Purple Prairie-clover, Twinflower, and Mealy Primrose.

Happy Valentine's Day

14 Feb 2012 230
This didn't come out the way I had planned - but I couldn't for the life of me remember how to do what I wanted to do, ha. I made a mosaic the other week (not posted) and just could not remember how I did it (in Photoshop Elements). Thought I'd post this one, anyway, as the colour feels good today, after more snow yesterday. Have a happy day, everyone!

Marvels of the forest floor

15 Sep 2009 178
I've just e-mailed this mosaic to someone, and thought I might as well add it to my Flickr photostream. Can you tell that I love photographing mushrooms, LOL? (Apologies, Doug, if this ends up arriving in your Inbox! A quick click and it will be deleted : ))

A few spring wildflowers

07 Jun 2009 152
I've just made up this mosaic to send to a few fellow botany friends and thought I'd upload it to Flickr, too. All repeats - but we NEED these cheery colours to brighten our temporary return to winter, LOL. I think my favourite of these is number 4, Scouring-rush.


01 Jan 2009 159
It went through my mind that New Year is a little like newly fallen snow - it's a fresh start. These little rounded mounds of sparkling snowflakes were photographed yesterday in the Sheep River/Turner Valley area, south of Calgary.

Happy birthday, John

24 Dec 2008 237
Just realized I had better upload this Happy Birthday card to my brother in England today, as I don't know when he will get to the Library in the next few days, to check on his e-mail and on Flickr! I deliberately chose an image that has nothing to do with Christmas, as his birthday is so close to Christmas - on 28th December. John, I thought you might find this small part of a mural quite interesting, seeing as you have always been highly artistic! It is just inside the entrance way at the Royal Tyrrell Museum (the incredible Dinosaur museum) in Drumheller, east of Calgary. Have a happy day!


11 May 2008 87
Wishing a happy day to all you mothers out there who live in places where Mother's Day is celebrated on 11th May 2008. Hope you get a chance to relax for a while!