Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Sapsucker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

26 Nov 2013 2 1 232
I never posted this image, as I wasn't sure how much I'd be able to improve the original shot. It's a really poor quality shot, but I managed to darken it sufficiently to look at, at this size. I don't often see Sapsuckers, so thought I would add it to three of my Albums. Taken in Fish Creek Park (Bankside?) on 24 May 2012. I always think it's amazing how various Woodpecker species (excluding the PIleated Woodpecker, which makes a rectangular hole) always make such a perfect, round hole for their cavities.


29 May 2007 141
Just as I was about to leave the park yesterday, this Sapsucker appeared. It was too far away for a better shot, but it seemed a shame to waste the beautiful bright red. I don't know if anyone can tell if it's a Yellow-bellied or a Red-naped Sapsucker, without being able to see the back of its head.

Sapsucker at nesting hole

02 Jun 2007 154
I think this is a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Saw this when I was out on a walk with a friend yesterday evening. He had seen a pair of Sapsuckers at this nesting hole and thought I would enjoy seeing them, which of course I did. Thanks, David, as always!