Roger Bennion's photos with the keyword: Oxford A to Z

"I'm Gonna Be A Country Girl Again"

03 Nov 2016 11 5 556
Obscure link time again :-) A is for JANE AUSTEN B is for THOMAS BODLEY C could be for the young lady who could be a COUNTRY GIRL Added to ~ Sight and Sound ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ I'm Gonna Be A Country Girl Again ~ Buffy Sainte-Marie

"Tell Her About It"

28 Oct 2016 12 9 619
And, there's more.....from the Archives :-) Clearly, the guy is telling the gal a story and this leads to Billy Joel's "Tell Her About It" performed here by Elio Pace on 'Weekend Wogan' in 2010 when Elio was Terry's Musical Director. I feel very privileged to have seen Elio with his 'Big Band' and playing piano with 'Albert Lee and Hogan's Heroes'. Also, being at the four sold-out "Billy Joel Songbook" concerts that Elio and his Band have done at The Stables, Wavendon, Milton Keynes between 19 April 2014 and last Saturday night :-) I think it is fair to say that Elio is one of our (Helen & I) very favourite live performers. Roll on September 2017 :-) Added to ~ Sight and Sound ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Tell Her About It ~ Elio Pace

Oxford A to Z

28 Jan 2015 17 12 419
Back to last year for another shot taken in Broad Street :-) T is for… TOLKIEN ‘Conversation with Smaug’ one of several watercolours painted by J. R. R. Tolkien to illustrate The Hobbit, 1936 U is for… URASHIMA Part of a Japanese scroll narrating the fairy tale of the fisherman Urashima, Keicho Period (1596-1615) V is for... VESALIUS Engraving from the De humani corporis fabrica ('On the fabric of the Human Body') by the physician and anatomist Andreas Vesalius, 1543

"Something in Red"

14 Dec 2014 4 2 518
Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' From Wikipedia - “At various points in her life, Lorrie Morgan has been married to three different country singers: Keith Whitley, Jon Randall and Sammy Kershaw. She has sold over 6 million records worldwide.” If Keith Whitley had not died from alcoholic poisoning I do wonder if Lorrie and Keith would have stayed together. I feel sure Keith would have been one of the truly great country singers had he not succumbed at just 33 years old. Anyway, I first became aware of Lorrie many years ago when I purchased a “Live from Church Street Station” VHS Video.......VHS Video was one of them things where it was all too easy for the tape to get tangled up inside the VHS player :-) I don't think I put anything in the Rules about having more than one musical link. So, there are two links here. I will possibly get myself in a bit of bother but in the second link I think Lorrie's jeans are a very nice colour :-) Please watch/listen here -

"Walk the Line Revisited"

06 Sep 2014 1 2 389
Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' I have had in mind to use this piece of music but didn't think I would ever have a photo with somebody walking on a line or double yellow lines come to that :-)) It would have been obvious to use a Johnny Cash link but I do like this track by Rodney Crowell. And, Johnny Cash features in the video so that is okay :-)) I have most of Rodney's music including a couple of Vinyl LP's I recently picked up in a charity shop in High Wycombe :-) Of course there is another link here because Rodney was married to Rosanne Cash, Johnny's daughter from a previous marriage to Vivian Liberto Cash Distin. And, not forgetting :-) S is for… MARY SHELLEY Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein. A miniature portrait made after her death by Reginald Easton T is for… TOLKIEN ‘Conversation with Smaug’ one of several watercolours painted by J. R. R. Tolkien to illustrate The Hobbit, 1936 U is for… URASHIMA Part of a Japanese scroll narrating the fairy tale of the fisherman Urashima, Keicho Period (1596-1615)


30 Aug 2014 5 2 477
Added to Soundtrack to Life It may quickly become obvious that I am struggling with my first entry to this weekend's 'Soundtrack Weekend' and have reached desperation stakes!! In a panic I have come up with a 'JAMI' link :-) Jami is singing 'Problematicna' and it has been a 'problem' for me :-) .......................hope ' Problematicna' doesn't have any sort of double meaning :-( I am led to believe that Jasna Milenković....... Jami (this nickname is made up from the first syllabuses of her name and surname) is a Serbian pop/folk singer. Watch/Listen here - **********ALTERNATIVELY********** J is for ... JAMI 'The vain dervish rebuked'. Mughal court painting dated 1595 by the artist Basawan, illustrating a scene from the Baharistan ('Garden of Spring') by the Persian writer and mystic, Jami K is for ... KAFKA Page from Franz Kafka's notebook containing the opening of his story Die Verwandlung ('The Metamorphosis') 1912

Oxford A to Z

29 Aug 2014 4 2 547
~ Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) M is for … MAGNA CARTA One of four early engrossments of Magna Carter owned by the Bodleian Library issued in the name of the boy king Henry III in 1217 N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490 O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War

Oxford A to Z

10 Sep 2013 7 10 769
N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490 O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War

"Hey Mum, have you seen this shot of Wilfred Owen?…

04 Jun 2013 9 5 496
One from last year! O is for... OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War P is for ... PURCELL ‘Hail bright Cecilia’, the manuscript of Henry Purcell’s Ode for St Cecilia’s Day, 1692, celebrating the patron saint of music

Oxford A to Z

30 Jun 2013 6 3 355
O is for … OVERTAKING :-) Or……… O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490

Oxford A to Z

04 Nov 2013 6 4 442
M is for… MEGA BOOTS N is for… NICE HAT O is for … OWESOME JEANS OR……………..................................... M is for… MAGNA CARTA One of four early engrossments of Magna Carta owned by the Bodleian Library. Issued in the name of the boy king Henry III in 1217 N is for… NASSAU HOURS Book of Hours made for Engelbert of Nassau. Flemish illumination by The Master of Mary of Burgundy. c.1470-1490 O is for … OWEN Photograph of the poet Wilfred Owen, who died in action on the Western Front in the First World War