Bee Nee's photos with the keyword: Weimar
Zurück in Weimar
05 Jul 2015 |
Goethe's Gartenhaus. Er muss einen fantastischen Blick auf den Park gehabt haben!
05 Jul 2015 |
Anbetung des (Dichter)-Gottes im Heiligen Hain...
(Wer läuft so früh durch Sonne und Land...
den Fotoapparat ganz fest in der Hand...?
Eine Gruppe Touristen; sie quälen sich stolz
durch das grün durchleuchtete Unterholz).
... oder so ähnlich, ;-)
Goethe's Pfingstrosen
05 Jul 2015 |
Übrigens ein schön angelegter Garten auf mehreren Ebenen.
Blumen sind die schönen Worte und Hieroglyphen der Natur, mit denen sie uns andeutet, wie lieb sie uns hat. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Steinige Wege...
Goethe in Love...
07 Jul 2015 |
... with Shakespeare.
Und deshalb hat Goethe dem Shakespeare auch ein Denkmal in seinem Park gesetzt. Hier kann er im Sommer nachts dann träumen. Was er will: Von Romeo und Julia etc. - wie es ihm gefällt.
(Ich hatte ja erst gedacht, die Statue stelle Goethe selbst dar, musste mich dann aber eines besseren belehren lassen).
"Doch der Segen kommt von oben..."
09 Jul 2015 |
Da schillert es mal wieder durch's Gezweig... ;-)
Ich fand das für das Brautpaar sehr passend. Eigentlich wollte ich ja die so wunderbar leuchtenden Ballons aufnehmen, aber aus den Bildern ist nichts geworden. Stattdessen entdeckte ich dann diese feinen Sonnenstrahlen auf dem Photo. Die Kamera hat mal wieder mehr gesehen als ich!
Major Axis
In front of Goethe's Garden House...
28 May 2015 |
When we approached Goethe's garden house we saw a gust of wind blowing through the blowballs (dandelions?) and taking the wooly seeds with it. It came and went, came again and went... and suddenly it was on the footpath, a miniature whirlwind, a mini-tornado. I've never seen anything like this before. It was like a transparent animate being dancing in front of us.
-- Too surprised for taking any pictures - let alone videos.
Nicht alle Häuser...
21 May 2015 |
... sehen wie neu aus in Weimar.
Not all houses look like new in Weimar. The restauration process takes time...
Frauenplan - Pferdchen - Goethehaus
22 May 2015 |
Frauenplan - Horses - Goethe's house.
Why this square is called "Frauenplan" / "Woman Square" - I don't really know. I found an explanation for the same square name in Eisenach. "Frau" stands for "Our beloved Lady" and "Plan" for "plane". So it's a space in front of a church that's dedicated to Mary. I am not sure if it is the same in Weimar...
In the background to the left there is Goethe's house, now national museum. Without the car and traffic signs the whole scene would still look quite antique...
We didn't know that one has to reserve tickets for the Goethe National Museum. We were welcomed by the sign "Sorry, no tickets available anymore. Please come tomorrow." Unfortunately there was no tomorrow. So we just passed by and enjoyed the view. ;)
Am Frauenplan
22 May 2015 |
... zur Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
22 May 2015 |
... to the Duchess Anna Amalia Library.
And guess... No tickets available. Please, come tomorrow again.
Leap in Time
24 May 2015 |
This is a so-called "Reithaus" / "Riding Hall". It was built 1715-18 as part of the city palace in Weimar and rebuilt in neo-classical style in 1803-4. It is now part of the Ilmpark (48 ha) that was planned and designed with the collaboration of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe himself.
It's so idyllic - one would really like to spend some time there just sitting in the sun enjoying the surroundings.
You up there...
24 May 2015 |
... we down here...
Enjoying the sunshine near the Ilm and the City Palace.
Haus an der Seifengasse 1990
25 May 2015 |
Haus an der Seifengasse 2015
25 May 2015 |
Some motifs are just inviting - even after a long time.
(I didn't remember that I took a photo of this before...)
One could look for alterations... What has changed?
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