Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: lizard

The Beautiful Blue-Tailed Skink!

07 Oct 2013 14 7 716
2 more pictures above in notes! There is a special log along the ridge line that runs from our property to about 1/2 mile through another property and to public forest. This log often has wonderful surprises under it. I found Snakey there last year. I found millipedes there, many kinds of insects and eggs, and two different scorpions too! Today I lifted the log up and found another surprise!! A Blue Tailed Skink!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!! These amazing lizards have a motion that's half-way between a lizard and a snake. They have a very long, blue tail which is about twice the length of their body! If you would like to know more about these lovely, secretive little guys, Wiki has a page here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plestiodon

Lizard Under a Bush

Bluebelly with an Attitude

06 Jun 2011 179
I love the expression on this guy's face and the glint of deep blue on his lower neck disappearing under his legs.

Bluebelly Lizard

Bluebelly Lizard

Southern Alligator Lizard Closeup

Southern Alligator Lizard Held by Steve

Southern Alligator Lizard

How Do YOU Spell Cute?! B-A-B-Y B-L-U-E B-E-L-L-Y!

20 Apr 2012 1 1 277
+1 picture in a note The other day, Steve was outside and opened the door to call to me, "JANET! I HAVE A FRIEND TO SHOW YOU! BRING YOUR CAMERA!!" I bounced out the door, quick as a flash and he directed me to a cement block wall over by our shop. Sitting on top was this darling little buddy, who was very cold on this rainy day and trying to warm up. You may not know this, but many animals, including lizards, require the warmth of the sun for energy to move around. This tiny tyke might have been a statue, he was so still. If he were warm, I wouldn't get this picture--they are fast little devils!! I was able to take all the pictures I wanted, and the whole time he turned his head to stare at me with a most unimpressed expression on his face! :D I couldn't help but coo at him while I took pictures, what a cutie pie!! :D I've always known these as Blue Belly Lizards, but their official name is "Western Fence Lizard." They are very common in California but are also found in neighboring states. As you can see, they get their nickname from the gorgeous, irridescent blue scales adorning their undersides, and juveniles have aquamarine-colored bellies, as you can see here! :) Adults have bodies about 3-4" long, with their tails adding another 3-4". They are non-aggressive, fast-moving, and eat spiders and insects. Did you know that Lyme disease is lower in areas where there are lizards??! Ticks feed on the lizards, and a protein in the lizard's blood kills the Lyme disease bacterium, which cleanses the tick's blood and they no longer carry it!! YAY LIZARDS!!! If you would like to know more about Western Fence Lizards, Wiki has a page here: Wiki: Western Fence Lizard (Blue Belly Lizard)

Cycle of Life: Garter Snake vs. Bluebelly Lizard

04 Jun 2012 1 1 729
NOTE: Please forgive the tragic nature of these images. It is not my intention to offend, alarm or disgust my visitors, but only to educate and enlighten. About a month ago I was out taking pictures of Larkspur flowers when I heard rustling about 20 feet away. I stood and slowly moved in that direction, looking very carefully as I went. At first I saw nothing, but then I gasped quietly in surprise when I located the source of the noise. It was a garter snake that had just caught a blue-belly lizard, something I'd never witnessed in my life! The two were completely still as I creeped towards them, and I began taking pictures and tried not to disturb the event unfolding before me. Some may wonder why I didn't try to save the lizard, but it's not right to meddle with this cycle of life. This garter snake must eat. The lizard wasn't wary enough, and its genes will not pass to the next generation, but a more wary lizard's genes will. For me, this was a chance of a lifetime!! I've been out in the woods for countless hours from when I was a child and I've seen so many things, but this is the first time I've witnessed a snake's successful hunt. I am so happy that I could take these pictures, and I was quiet and slow enough that I was able to take all the pictures I wanted. When I was done, I backed away slowly and left the area, thrilled at what I got to see. A few days later another astonishing thing happened. I was walking down our road, very close to this spot, when I noticed something sticking out of the grass. To my amazement, a garter snake--and I believe it was the same one--had raised itself up about a foot off the ground and was staring into my eyes, I kid you not! We stared at one another for about two seconds when one of my dogs broke the trance by coming over, and quick as a flash, the snake turned and zipped away into the grass!! Never in my life have I seen this happen. Truly remarkable! And finally, if you can believe it, this happened AGAIN several days ago, but for just a few seconds this time...the snake seemed to recognize me and sank back into the grass to go on his way before we could lock eyes. So interesting! This image was taken in April, 2012.

114/365: "It does not do to leave a live dragon ou…

25 Apr 2013 1 1 495
I went around our little seasonal pond this morning and surprised this darling juvenile Blue-Belly lizard, who ran over to a rock and relaxed in the warm sun while I took pictures. He didn't seem to mind me getting quite close, and only ran off when I got within 6" of him! CUTIE PIE!!! Look at that FACE!! Aren't you in LOVE?!! AWWWWWWWW!!!!! All that cuteness in a 2" package! My reference to dragons is because today I've been thinking about a game I used to be addicted to, called World of Warcraft. Steve and I spent 5 years playing this online game, and one of the coolest things you could do was own and ride dragons! In fact, we got good enough at our chosen characters that, with the teamwork of 8 others, we all managed to complete an extremely difficult series of challenges, and as a reward, we all got special skeletal dragons. What an achievement! Even though I won't play games like that anymore, I still look back on my best memories with great happiness! (Here's a link to special dragon that took us MONTHS to get! Blood-Bathed Frostbrood Vanquisher ) John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, CBE (3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973) was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. J.R.R. Tolkien

142/365: "Corruption* is like a serpent; always sh…

23 May 2013 458
I found this Fence Lizard skin hanging in an old tire by some spider webs. I thought it was so usual that I took some pictures. The lizard's nickname is "blue-belly" because of the beautiful turquoise that can be found all along its underside and up to its chin. If you look, you can see some of that blue on the chin and neck portion of the skin! Dario Argento (born September 7, 1940) is an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his work in the horror film genre, particularly in the subgenre known as giallo, and for his influence on modern horror movies. Wikipedia: Dario Argento * I took the liberty of changing "horror" to "corruption" to fit this quote to the current state of Flickr.