Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: Fall

Glowing Red Leaves, Fall Beauty in Medford Parking…

09 Nov 2020 67 41 505
(+5 insets!) Holy Toledo it's cold out there! At a mind-numbing 24°F/-4.44°C, I just couldn't handle more than 10 minutes outside this morning! After two laps up and down the driveway, I had to abandon my walk, yike-yike back inside and cling gratefully to the Monitor Heater God for warmth. For a person who's always crying about getting frozen paws, you'd think they were the reason I had to call it quits, but no! Truth is, if my face gets so cold that it hurts, I just can't stand it! How about you? What makes you abandon an adventure out in the cold? It's Monday morning and I'm back to my Fall Beauty in Medford Parking Lots series! Welcome to set 3 of 6! Hope you're not too bored of this subject…I adore this time of year with its dramatic colors and changing scenery. Today's Pictures When we arrived at the grocery store parking lot, we hopped out and Steve told me to have fun with my photography as he turned to go inside. Heh…right off the bat my eyes were riveted to a short plant that was covered with outrageous red leaves. The sun blazed through them, lighting them up into leaf-shaped stained glass windows, complete with beautiful details and marvelous shadows. My main picture celebrates just one of the glorious leaf clusters and is enhanced by bokeh created from the sun reflecting off parked cars beyond. Insets include a natural-framed leafy scene, another grand view of gingko leaves, a glowing seed pod hanging like an autumn ornament, a red maple leaf catching the sun as it lay on a lawn, and finally, a black and white view of a droplet-covered leaf in the shape of a heart! ENJOY!! Thanks everyone, for your visits, comments, and favorites! Thanks too, for posting such a wonderful array of images for me to visit. It's a joy to stop by and say hello! :D Stay safe out there! Explored on 11/10/20; highest placement #1.

Medford Fall Parking Lot Adventure: Gingko Leaves…

01 Nov 2020 46 30 501
(+5 insets) Happy Fall Back Day! Oh my, we've gained an hour! As I type it's 8:15 on the clock but really it's 9:15…or at least that's what my body has to say about it! I just love gaining an hour, even though it's not truly real. Real or not, I feel like I have a whole extra hour and it's delightful! :) A Very Covid Halloween By the way, for those of you who enjoy Halloween, I hope you managed to find a safe way to celebrate! I have always loved this holiday and as a kid it was my very favorite day of the year. I cannot help but feel sad about Covid ruining this special day for so many. Personally, I haven't actually done anything festive for Halloween for a few years now--we often get pumpkins to carve, but not lately. Instead, I'll participate in Halloween events happening within online video games and that really satisfies me. This year it was Animal Crossing! A few weeks ago Steve surprised me with a birthday gift--a Nintendo Switch! This is something I'd never buy for myself--I cannot justify the price of these little time-wasters--so Steve likes to get things like this for me because he knows I will enjoy them. He's right. I have a soft spot for this particular game and it's only available on the Nintendo Switch. Instead of Animal Crossing, I made due by finding other games which are similar--the outstanding Garden Paws and equally excellent My Time at Portia --but there's nothing like the real thing! I've been having a great time with it and the Halloween event was charming, darling, and so cute. Something very nice as well is that players can gather and celebrate together, which means a lot to all those kids who didn’t get to celebrate properly this year. I hope that next year kids will have their trick-or-treating and holiday parties restored! Fall in Medford, Parking Lot Style! Who says you need to go to a park or grand location to photograph the lovely colors of Fall? Steve and I don't always get out for a photo day that features Fall's dramatic show. However, if I want to immortalize the pretty colors everywhere, all I need to do is tag along when Steve's going out for some shopping and errands, and my wish is granted! Parking lots around here are often lavishly planted with a large variety of trees, shrubs and other plants. When Fall rolls around, the colors are simply outrageous! Yet, if you took pictures from a distance, the effect would be a disaster--who wants to see an ugly parking lot, cars, power lines and endless cement? However, if you get in closer, shoot up towards the sky, and take time to carefully compose images to eliminate the manmade distractions, the results can be just as marvelous as if we'd driven for hours to get pretty Fall landscape images. Yes, I do miss out on those amazing landscape images but I get so many lovely photos that are up-close and personal, it's a satisfying, marvelous show! Today's Pictures: Gingko Leaves and More! I had a wonderful time taking pictures of all of the beautiful things that presented themselves to me at each stop we made around town. However, I was beside myself with joy when I spotted a number of Gingko trees with some colorful leaves left just for me! Don't you just love their unique and interesting leaves? These marvelous trees with their many medical benefits are native to China and are commonly used for landscaping around the world. Creeping around the trees I found, I looked for the best way to photograph those magnificent leave. Happily, I was rewarded with a number of very successful winners to share, which I'll spread out over the next few posts. (For more information about these trees, Wiki has a super page on them here: Wiki: Ginkgo Biloba ) I'm also including a glorious spray of fiery red maple leaves against a blue sky--how awesome to find such a perfect branch of leaves! There is also a backlit "stained glass" maple leaf with a variety of colorful splotches and shadows of stems which look like an X through the leaf! A group of glowing orange leaves with a background of leaves in shadow turned out nicely too! There's a close-up of a red-edged, dripping leaf found under a tree just beginning to turn color. And finally, a some red leaves on a short hedge that were covered with water…I couldn't help but try for a starry-droplet shot! Partly blown-out but still a win in my book and I hope you like it too! :) That's all from me! Thanks again for your visits, comments and favorites! Please stay safe out there in this new explosion of cases…combined with the flu, I don't think this will be a very nice winter for a lot of people. Explored on 11/1/20; highest placement #2.

12/366: Autumn Gold

13 Jan 2016 21 8 577
I don't think I'll ever become bored with photographing leaves, especially in Fall when their colors explode from every tree. I discovered this beauty in October 2012, on one of our hillside trees, the sun glowing warmly through it. I am struck suddenly by painful reality. The tree which grew this leaf is gone. Burned to ashes by the fire with roared through 10 of our 26 acres. Sad as it may be, its ashes will act as excellent nutrient for the trees and plants which will take its place.