Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: Table Rocks



Sunset with Burn Smoke, Jet Trails, the Moon and V…

09 Nov 2013 23 7 823
This evening, just after the sun had set, I looked out and gasped. I'd forgotten about the smoke from the burns today. The effect on sunsets can be incredible and they certainly were tonight! The added bonus was a pair of jet trails, the moon and Venus above!! Hooray!!

Smoky Southern Oregon from our Back Deck

01 Aug 2013 13 7 579
2 pictures in notes above! Right now, southern Oregon is dealing with a bunch of very bad wildfires, and though they aren't close to us, the smoke has created hazardous conditions to anyone who must spend time outside. This is a view from our upstairs deck...the visibility is so horrible that you can't see the beautiful Table Rocks beyond! I have inset pictures to show what the conditions looked like later when the smoke began to settle for the night, and another one to show the view when it is clear. My eyes are literally burning from the smoke in the air!!! UGH!

Turbulent Skies

01 Jun 2011 162
The weather around Southern Oregon has been very turbulent, often resulting in beautiful clouds like these


04 Feb 2013 298
This is from my archives, an image I took when Steve and I went to the top of the Table Rocks last year to take pictures of emerging flowers. This is a lily called Red Bells.