slgwv's photos with the keyword: Grande Ronde River

Canyon of the Grande Ronde

20 Sep 2019 6 4 540
In extreme southeastern Washington state, pretty much on the Oregon line. The Grande Ronde River rises in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon and flows pretty much east, joining the Snake about where Idaho, Washington, and Oregon come together. It's cut a canyon thru here in Columbia River Basalt--in fact, in the Grande Ronde subgroup of the basalts! The individual basalt flows define the prominent layering in the slopes. The highway runs more or less north-south; SR 3 in Oregon, becoming SR 129 in Washington. It's pretty steep and narrow, and a bit nerve-wracking with a trailer! Looking south; downstream (east) is to the left. The inset shows a view a little more to the left. Kind of a gray day, but that was what we had!