Deborah Lundbech's photos with the keyword: hand colored

The Tintype Mystery

19 Jan 2023 5 4 185
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: PICK A PARTICULAR FORMAT (daguerreotype, cabinet card, CDV, real photo postcard, cyanotype, slide, Polaroid, or what have you?) I've chosen a tintype but it's like no other I've seen. I don't really collect tintypes, although I have quite a few at this point - but, first of all this (and it's companion) is the largest I own (or have seen) (6 1/2 by 8 1/2) and secondly, I can't figure out how this was done. It's on the usual dark tin - but it's like the original tintype photo was cut out, enameled, put on again and Or something. So... if you run your fingers over it - it's rougher than usual tin on the front with a completely smooth enameled portrait, and the normal smooth brown/black on the back. Any ideas? And is that a mourning tie? Below is the companion photo - same process and size. Both are lightly hand-colored. She looks older that the man to me - perhaps his mother? Or maybe just an older wife?

West Point

15 Dec 2017 258
A photo from the gift album of a patron. Lightly hand colored.

Lugano, Switzerland c.1952

18 Jul 2023 1 127
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: A SKYSCRAPER, ROW HOME, OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF BUILDING YOU MIGHT FIND IN A CITY A hand colored postcard with fancy edges bought by my mother in 1952, on holiday from England. The buildings, which look like homes and hotels, have been brightly colored. The city is Lugano, the water is Lake Lugano, and the mountain is Monte San Salvatore. I like that you can see the lights going up the mountain. I loved looking at this postcard as a child - it seemed like fairyland!

The Adna Brown Hotel, Springfield, VT

18 Jul 2009 351
This was right down the hill from Ada. It burned down quite awhile ago and the building to the left of it burned down too, but in the last ten years.

Ronnie King and "Patsy"the Dog

15 Jan 2014 2 2 302
Added for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of "hand colored photos." This is approximately 5" by 8*' and is on fairly thick cardboard. This is Ronnie King, my husband's father c1927. I'm a little less sure about "Patsy" the dog. This was labeled by his mom, Agnes, in her 90s, when she was getting a little "vague." Her daughter was named "Patricai" or "Patsy " - but perhaps they had a dog, too, before "Patsy the girl" was born.

Patsy in the Garden c1932

26 Apr 2009 182
Hand tinted photo of Patsy King in what appears to be a garden in process. Her Dad Harry King, is in the background. Taken about 1932. Springfield, Vermont.

Grandad - William Alfred Gregory, c 1906

30 Dec 2008 471
My Grandad - William Alfred Gregory. Apprenticed as a printer at the age of fourteen or younger and was a printer in London until he retired. This is a portrait from a locket. Is he the young man on the right in paws22 's print shop picture? My Children's Great Grandfather. Boys-Me>Hazel>William Alfred Gregory If I had to choose one word to describe my Grandad it would be scrupulous. He dressed fastidiously, his words were carefully chosen and his ethics were impeccable - although he seldom spoke of them. He was not a Quaker -probably an agnostic - my mother remembers him saying to her as a young child "If you wish to attend church you may and if you don't want to, that is also fine" . He was a working class man and largely self educated. G.B. Shaw was a favorite and perhaps that was an influence on his unwillingness to fight. He was a strong advocate of working men's right - he was an involved union man at the print shop (Waterlows) and a firm believer in equalizing education for all. He was a private man but had a Victorian man's power in the family - although never violent or loud his word - often unspoken - was law, until his adult children started pushing back! I think his strong ethical sense and moral high tone was probably off-putting and intimidating for people - I'm sure he was regarded as humorless by some but like all people he was paradoxical. When my very loud, funny, charismatic piano playing father came on the scene roaring at him to get out of his chair and go down to the pub for a pint - my grandfather would smile and go leaving slack jawed relatives behind him. When I visited him in the 1970's, after my Nana had died, he told me that if he had to do it again he would have been vegetarian and I think that even then,in his late eighties, he was thinking through the ethics of his life. As for me, I'm a vegetarian since my twenties, attended Quaker Meeting for several years and take part in a weekly peace vigil so looks like the genes are living on! (But I do spend a lot more time laughing.)

Michigan Album Page #1

Foliage Motif

26 Oct 2009 1 1 214
Hand colored. Found photo, no info on the back. Found in Vermont. Posted for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of Autumn.

Under the Falls, 1917

10 Jan 2024 6 3 209
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: HAND COLORED [photographs]. Niagara Falls, July 1917.