Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: reiger

Great Egret and Grey Heron

01 May 2020 37
They weren't friendly.

Great Egret

05 Mar 2018 123
Grote Zilverreiger in Dutch.

Great Egret

05 Mar 2018 120
Grote Zilverreiger in Dutch.

Heron vs. Gull

Great Egret

28 Feb 2015 1 1 237
Witte Reiger. There were many to be seen.

Great Egret

15 Apr 2014 1 2 164
The Great Egret is not a rare bird, but it is not common in the Netherlands.

Great Egret

15 Apr 2014 3 1 255
The Great Egret is not a rare bird, but it is not common in the Netherlands.