Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: guelders

Tiel 2015 – No corner house

17 May 2015 222
Designing a special house for the corner is more expensive, so you can also not bother with it.

Tiel 2015 – Ambtmanshuis

15 May 2015 255
The ambtman was the representative of the duke of Guelders who ruled an area of his land. The ambtman of Tiel in 1525, Adriaen van Bueren, started building this house. From 1750 to 1990, the Ambtmanshuis was in private hands, then it was bought by the city of Tiel. From 1996 it is part of the city hall of Tiel. The tree is from the mid 19th century.

Tiel 2015 – Oud burger mannen- en vrouwenhuis

15 May 2015 265
An old-people’s home built in 1805 for the sum of ƒ 21,000. From 1960 to 2012 it was not in use as such, but now it is again.

Tiel 2015 – View of the Hucht and the old moat

Tiel 2015 – View of the Kastanjelaantje and the ol…

Tiel 2015 – Cat

Tiel 2015 – Polski Sklep

Tiel 2015 – Nijtmans naaimachines

14 May 2015 218
Nijtmans sewing machines

Tiel 2015 – Blue house

Tiel 2015 – Postbox of the PGEM

14 May 2015 202
Provinciale Geldersche Electriciteits-Maatschappij Provincial Guelders Electricity Company

Tiel 2015 – Pump

13 May 2015 1 214
The pump dates from 1768.

Tiel 2015 – Lion

13 May 2015 1 225
The pump dates from 1768.

Tiel 2015 – Gate from 1623

Tiel 2015 – Ferry over the River Waal

13 May 2015 1 221
Now only for pedestrians and cyclists.

Tiel 2015 – Waterpoort

13 May 2015 206
Water Gate. It dates from 1647, but it was destroyed in 1944 by the Germans. It was rebuilt in 1979.

Tiel 2015 – Eerste Electrische Grof-, Fijn- en Sch…

11 May 2015 1 187
First Electric Large, Small and Ship Smithy.

Tiel 2015 – Metro cinema

Tiel 2015 – Metro cinema

25 items in total