Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: scherm

New screen at Leiden Centraal station

Leipzig 2013 – Stasi Museum – Monitors

26 Aug 2013 207
Museum in der "Runden Ecke" mit dem Museum im Stasi-Bunker

Worcester Cathedral 2013 – Screen

Now: Free Internet – Later: Up-to-date travel info…

08 Sep 2012 129
Luckily they didn't bother with the travel information.

The screens multiply

New computer screen at work

Opening of the academic year of Leiden University:…

01 Sep 2008 154
He was meant to be there in person, but a certain mr. Sarkozy called a meeting, so he was in Brussels instead and had his speech pre-recorded. He called for more money for the military, so probably there will be less money for the university.