Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: staten-generaal

Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2023 – Entrance to the poll…

24 Mar 2024 54
Every four years the members of Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (called the Staten-Generaal or States General) have to be elected by the citizens of the Netherlands. The elections are direct and on the basis of proportional representation. The ballot papers are big, because of all the candidates and parties. A voter can vote on one person on the list, but most voters vote on the top candidate of a party.

Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2023 – Parties

24 Mar 2024 43
Every four years the members of Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (called the Staten-Generaal or States General) have to be elected by the citizens of the Netherlands. The elections are direct and on the basis of proportional representation. The ballot papers are big, because of all the candidates and parties. A voter can vote on one person on the list, but most voters vote on the top candidate of a party.

Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2023 – Tamping down

24 Mar 2024 38
The ballot box cannot be opened before the closing time, and when it is full, it can be tamped down to allow for more ballot papers. Every four years the members of Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (called the Staten-Generaal or States General) have to be elected by the citizens of the Netherlands. The elections are direct and on the basis of proportional representation. The ballot papers are big, because of all the candidates and parties. A voter can vote on one person on the list, but most voters vote on the top candidate of a party.

Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2023 – Quiet

24 Mar 2024 2 1 53
It was surprisingly quiet during the evening. Every four years the members of Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (called the Staten-Generaal or States General) have to be elected by the citizens of the Netherlands. The elections are direct and on the basis of proportional representation. The ballot papers are big, because of all the candidates and parties. A voter can vote on one person on the list, but most voters vote on the top candidate of a party.

Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2023 – Ballot papers

24 Mar 2024 53
Every four years the members of Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (called the Staten-Generaal or States General) have to be elected by the citizens of the Netherlands. The elections are direct and on the basis of proportional representation. The ballot papers are big, because of all the candidates and parties. A voter can vote on one person on the list, but most voters vote on the top candidate of a party.

Tweede Kamerverkiezing 2023 – Counting the ballot…

24 Mar 2024 49
Every four years the members of Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (called the Staten-Generaal or States General) have to be elected by the citizens of the Netherlands. The elections are direct and on the basis of proportional representation. The ballot papers are big, because of all the candidates and parties. A voter can vote on one person on the list, but most voters vote on the top candidate of a party.

Amsterdam 2023 – Election poster for the Second Ch…

Dutch general election 2017 – All the parties in e…

14 Mar 2017 1 1 203
On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Dutch general election 2017 – Poster for the Green…

14 Mar 2017 247
The party leader of this party Jesse Klaver lied about his youth in a supposedly bad neighbourhood (which it wasn't) and his long way up through the education system. He modelled himself on Obama and he looks a bit like Justin Trudeau. His nickname is Jessias. On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Dutch general election 2017 – Campaign vehicle for…

14 Mar 2017 217
On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.

Dutch general election 2017 – Somebody doesn't lik…

14 Mar 2017 224
On March 15, 2017 there will be a election for the Second Chamber of the States-General.


06 Aug 2010 166
This man, Ruud Lubbers, was the longest serving prime minister in the Netherlands, from 1982 to 1994. He was very good with words so that often his political opponents were left confused, caught in a thick forest of words. And if the words didn't fit, he changed the meaning of them or he quoted from non-existent dictionary editions. He was also very good in finding compromises, very handy in a coalition country such as the Netherlands. He was the prime minister of my youth. He was appointed as informateur so we could see him in parliament, in the chair usually occupied by the prime minister. It was vintage Lubbers.

Alternative election campaign posters

13 Jun 2010 175
Alternative election campaign posters