Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: queue

Berlin 2023 – Pergamon Museum – Queueing to enter…

Florence 2023 – Waiting to enter the Duomo

Switzerland 2021 – Waiting to enter the Gotthard T…

07 Jan 2022 65
Pass closed, so waiting in line to enter the tunnel.

Verona 2021 – Crowd for Juliet's house and balcony

24 Oct 2021 75
A 14th century house has been called Juliet's house and a balcony has been added in the 20th century. Now droves of people want to visit it.

Verona 2021 – Crowd for Juliet's house and balcony

24 Oct 2021 68
A 14th century house has been called Juliet's house and a balcony has been added in the 20th century. Now droves of people want to visit it.

People queueing for a Covid test

Queueing for the shops

20 Jun 2021 65
Shops were open again, so people queued to get in.

Waiting in line

Waiting in line

Waiting in line for the McDonalds

Queue in front of the cinema

London 2018 – British Library – Queueing instructi…

Lisbon 2018 – People queueing for line 28

Leidens Ontzet 2015 – Queue for the herring and wh…

14 Dec 2015 163
Any inhabitant of Leiden can register to get free herrings and white bread on October 3. This is to commemorate the handing out of herrings and bread at the Relief of Leiden in 1574 to the starving inhabitants.

Leidens Ontzet 2015 – Playing music for the waitin…

14 Dec 2015 200
Playing for people in the queue for the herring and white bread.

Leidens Ontzet 2015 – Playing music for the waitin…

14 Dec 2015 195
Playing for people in the queue for the herring and white bread.

Queueing for a train ticket

30 Jul 2014 228
Probably British who miss queueing or Luddites who don't want to use the electronic public transport card.


27 May 2013 1 233
The British love queueing, so they organise queues on the M25.

19 items in total