Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: waterleiding

Bloemendaalsche Waterleiding

01 Jul 2020 34
Water company of Bloemendaal. This was the entrance to a filter building. It dates from 1912.

Lisbon 2018 – Aquaduct

Lisbon 2018 – Serviço d’aguas

Cleaning up

01 May 2017 138
A water mains broke, temporarely expanding the moat.

Duin rechts

17 Aug 2014 1 286
Water mains access cover from the time Amsterdam had two water sources: dune water and water from the River Vecht. The water supply from the Vecht was established in 1888. Links (left) and Rechts (right) refers to the turning direction of the water valve. See here for more info (in Dutch): www.geheugenvanplanzuid.nl/index.php/architectuur/401-trottoirs-qduin-rechtsq

Vecht links

23 Oct 2011 1 115
Water mains access cover from the time Amsterdam had two water sources: dune water and water from the river Vecht. The water supply from the Vecht was established in 1888. See here for more info (in Dutch): www.geheugenvanplanzuid.nl/architectuur/duinrechts.htm

Bath 2013 – Roman plumbing

14 Aug 2013 173
See the movie: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KoLCkf4s9E


07 Sep 2012 108
Provinciaal Waterleidingbedrijf van Noord-Holland (Provincial Water Company of North-Holland)

Old water mains pumping station

PWN access cover

06 Apr 2012 122
Provinciaal Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland.

Access cover in the shape of a fish

1926 Access cover of the Water Mains

Water mains access cover

Water mains cover from 1923

Water mains cover from 1932

30 Jul 2010 163
Water mains cover from 1932

Holiday 2009 – Water access cover in Embrun, Franc…

Antwerp Water Works

22 items in total