Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: habsburg

Rijksmuseum 2021 – Maximilian II of Habsburg

13 Mar 2022 114
By Guillaume Scrots, ca. 1544. Maximilian became the Holy Roman Emperor, he fathered 16 children before his death at age 49. From the exhibition of Renaissance portraits Remember Me (Vergeet me niet) in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Rijksmuseum 2021 – Maximilian II of Habsburg

13 Mar 2022 90
By Guillaume Scrots, ca. 1544. Maximilian became the Holy Roman Emperor, he fathered 16 children before his death at age 49. From the exhibition of Renaissance portraits Remember Me (Vergeet me niet) in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Rijksmuseum 2021 – Ferdinand II of Tyrol

13 Mar 2022 88
By Guillaume Scrots, ca. 1544. Ferdinand was the younger brother of Maximilian. He died at age 65. From the exhibition of Renaissance portraits Remember Me (Vergeet me niet) in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Rijksmuseum 2021 – Ferdinand II of Tyrol

13 Mar 2022 90
By Guillaume Scrots, ca. 1544. Ferdinand was the younger brother of Maximilian. He died at age 65. From the exhibition of Renaissance portraits Remember Me (Vergeet me niet) in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Spires 2017 – Dom – Rudolf of Habsburg

14 Aug 2017 259
King of the Romans and Count of Habsburg. This grave plate was made during the lifetime of Rudolf.

Spires 2017 – Dom – Rudolf I of Germany

13 Aug 2017 189
He lived from 1218–1291AD. He was Count of Habsburg from 1240 and King of the Romans from 1273. This statue dates from 1843. Construction of the Dom of Spires started in 1030AD on the spot of a basilica. The cathedral was consecrated in 1061. It was enlarged in 1090–1106. It was severely damaged in 1689 during the Nine Years’ War but restored and changed in 1748–1772. In 1792 the cathedral was damaged again by the French troops. In 1846–1853 frescoes were added to the church, nowadays not greatly appreciated. A Neo-Romanesque westwork replaced the Baroque one from 1772 in 1858. The Cathedral holds a number of graves of German kings and emperors.

Kaisergruft – Grave of the last Holy Roman Emperor

19 Nov 2008 116
Burial place of the Habsburgs.

Kaisergruft – Even in death you keep your crown

19 Nov 2008 98
Burial place of the Habsburgs.

Kaisergruft – Sissi

19 Nov 2008 96
Burial place of the Habsburgs.