Levina de Ruijter's photos with the keyword: 400mm f/5.6

One more...

17 Jan 2013 586
'Cause you all loved the doggy so much, I've decided to process one more... :)

Chaffinch / Vink (Fringilla coelebs)

20 Feb 2013 2 3 567
This is the best of only a few shots I managed of these birds today. And of course it's the one with the wrong head angle. Figures...

Blue Tit / Pimpelmees (Cyanistes caeruleus)

20 Feb 2013 1 469
Another attempt at shooting these little buggers...

White Stork / Ooievaar (Ciconia ciconia)

06 Mar 2013 1 522
Yesterday, a beautiful sunny, mild day (why, it was almost Spring!), I went to see the White Storks at Park Frankendael. Just after I arrived one landed on the nest.

Grey Heron / Blauwe Reiger (Ardea cinerea)

09 Mar 2013 4 4 678
Shot late afternoon on the same day at Flevopark this time. The difference light makes... Uncropped.