Alan H's photos with the keyword: vindoland
Vindolanda - Granaries
29 May 2013 |
Granaries, showing the buttressed walls.
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Model
29 May 2013 |
Model of how the Roman Fort at Vindolanda may have looked.
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Aqueduct (2011)
29 May 2013 |
Part of an aqueduct which used to supply water to the fort (in the distance).
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Granary
29 May 2013 |
Granary, showing the spaces under the floors which allowed air to circulate.
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Latrine
Vindolanda - Circular Building
29 May 2013 |
Very un-Roman circular building. Part of an earlier fort, possibly a temporary work camp, built by the Roman Army for a native workforce of pro-Roman natives.
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Fort Walls
Vindolanda - Well
Vindolanda - Workshops
Vindolanda - Water Tank
Vindolanda - Well
Vindolanda - Romano British Temple
Vindolanda - Vicus House
29 May 2013 |
Civilian house in the vicus outside the fort.
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Hypocaust
29 May 2013 |
Hypocaust (underfloor heating) - the flagstone floor and the pillars supporting it can be easily seen here. The air was heated by a furnace (outside the room) and once it had circulated underneath the flagstones escaped via flues in the walls.
Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Southern Wall
Vindolanda - Furnace Room
Vindolanda - Commanding Officer's Residence
29 May 2013 |
Part of the Commanding Officer's Residence at Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland.
Vindolanda - Strongroom
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