Robert Swanson's photos with the keyword: utah

Photographers on the Edge

20 Dec 2024 3 1 74
The same image which I had cropped for the famous Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah. Here are the hikers/photogs who are standing on the edge of the mountain, watching (and shooting) the sunrise. The PIP shows the Arch itself. Image processed with GIMP.

Delicate Arch at Sunrise

19 Dec 2024 23 10 168
We did not hike up to Delicate Arch; the folks you see in the photo, did. We were at the viewpoint far down in the valley. Used the maximum telephoto with my Panasonic GX85. The rising sun has just touched 2/3's of the Arch. Some of the photographers on the mountain still have their tripods set up. Each moment was a different view, as the sun lit various parts of the scene. Image processed with GIMP. Oh yes, 600mm equivalent Panasonic zoom telephoto. There was a very nice log railing all around the viewpoint area, which I used as a "tripod".

Behind the Museum (HFF)

13 Dec 2024 20 10 158
Taken behind the Union Station museum in Ogden, Utah. This is a well-used piece of railway equipment, probably awaiting restoration. (Seems to be self-propelled, but I don't know what kind of engine.) Still has the WMRY railway lettering on it. Image processed with GIMP

Shaded Pathway in Zion National Park (HFF)

25 Feb 2022 14 7 393
Taken in the Zion National Park. I enjoy trying to get the right perspective and view of walking paths. This one had the right amount of shade. Image processed with GIMP.

Rusty Bell (BW)

02 Aug 2020 22 9 808
Taken at the Utah State Railroad Museum in Ogden, Utah, in 2014. This is the bell on a diesel locomotive. They had to put the bells lower down on these, unlike steam locomotives where the bell was right on the front on top. I converted the image to monochrome using GIMP. See:

Railroad Tools (BW)

02 Aug 2020 17 3 634
Taken at the Utah State Railroad Museum in Ogden, Utah, in 2014. I converted the image to monochrome with GIMP. See:

Packard Hood Ornament

20 Jun 2020 15 5 629
Taken at the Browning-Kimball Classic Car Museum in Ogden, Utah. Quite the work of art. Image processed with GIMP. See:

Berries at Farmers' Market, Ogden, Utah, 2014

18 Jun 2020 21 18 725
I put the older Sigma 70-300 macro lens on my Nikon D700, and wandered around downtown Ogden, Utah. They were having a street fair and farmers' market, so there were plenty of subjects. I like the selective focus. View in larger size on black background. (Baskets and Boxes of fruit, for Sunday Challenge) Image processed with GIMP. See:

Monument Valley Highway

08 May 2020 25 11 583
A pretty famous stretch of road. There were many folks pulled over to the side to take photos. Some of the more adventuresome were lying on their backs on the center line of the highway, trying to get dramatic perspective. Anyway, I had to get some pictures as I drove this stretch of road, too.

Locomotive Bell on Central Pacific #60, Jupiter (r…

28 Jan 2020 6 4 385
We had a very good morning at this historic spot. If you arrive early, you get to see the steam locomotives run from their sheds to the static display point near the visitor center. This was taken at Promontory Summit, location of the Golden Spike National Historical Site, Utah. More photos at:

Union Pacific Locomotive #119 (replica)

28 Jan 2020 15 5 753
This replica, along with the Central Pacific #60, are run at the Golden Spike National Historic Site at Promontory Summit, Utah. More photos at:

WIldflowers at Goosenecks State Park, Utah (H.A.N.…

26 Jan 2020 6 4 485
Goosenecks State Park in Utah is a remarkable place. In addition to the deep canyon, the desert area around is typically beautiful. I had several chances to get some photos of the wildflowers along the canyon rim.