Robert Swanson's photos with the keyword: delicate arch

Photographers on the Edge

20 Dec 2024 2 59
The same image which I had cropped for the famous Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah. Here are the hikers/photogs who are standing on the edge of the mountain, watching (and shooting) the sunrise. The PIP shows the Arch itself. Image processed with GIMP.

Delicate Arch at Sunrise

19 Dec 2024 22 10 139
We did not hike up to Delicate Arch; the folks you see in the photo, did. We were at the viewpoint far down in the valley. Used the maximum telephoto with my Panasonic GX85. The rising sun has just touched 2/3's of the Arch. Some of the photographers on the mountain still have their tripods set up. Each moment was a different view, as the sun lit various parts of the scene. Image processed with GIMP. Oh yes, 600mm equivalent Panasonic zoom telephoto. There was a very nice log railing all around the viewpoint area, which I used as a "tripod".