Robert Swanson's photos with the keyword: port

Entering Honolulu at Night (H.A.N.W.E.)

27 Jun 2024 10 5 264
This is the view from our cruise ship as we entered Honolulu Harbor. I am increasingly happy with the Panasonic camera's ability to take night photos! Be sure to click on the image and view on black. Image processed with GIMP.

Fences in Albany, Australia (HFF)

23 Feb 2024 19 10 220
Another view of the port of Albany. Besides the fences and railroad tracks, you can see where our shuttle bus was picking up passengers to visit the lovely downtown. Image processed with GIMP.

Fences Within Fences (HFF)

16 Feb 2024 17 13 378
Taken in the port area of Albany, Australia. Lots of commercial activity, and there are fences for each area. Image processed with GIMP.

Welcome to Puerto Rico (HFF, H.A.N.W.E.)

05 Dec 2023 8 5 153
Part of the cruise port area. Welcome, and then some fences.

Blue Box, Red Bollard (HWW,HFF)

22 Nov 2023 33 17 331
Taken during our stop in Halifax, NS. The bitt seems strong enough to hold a ship. The rest of the construction (including the wall) is part of the tie-up area along the harbour. (Square format for Sunday Challenge) Image processed with GIMP.

Seawall, Arica Chile (HWW)

04 Oct 2023 21 3 307
Saw all these birds perching on the seawall where our ship stopped in Arica, Chile. Image processed with GIMP.

Port of Lima Naval Marine Military Base (HWW)

27 Sep 2023 14 3 207
Saw this military facility from our bus, during a visit to Lima, Peru, from the cruise. This looks to be a substantial protection for the military base. (The gun is probably not part of the protection....) Image processed with GIMP.

Just Park Next to the Wall, It'll Be OK (HWW)

08 Dec 2021 9 5 433
Saw this seriously decayed car parked near our cruise ship in Dakar, Senegal. Looks like someone parked it, and forgot it.

Roatan Cruise Port Under Construction (HFF)

11 Sep 2020 21 8 612
That's our cruise ship in the background. When we first visited Roatan in 2005, all they had was a large concrete slab for cruise passengers. This photo taken in 2019 shows that they have more now, including a shopping zone, but the port is now under major construction. Image taken with phone and processed with GIMP.

Waterspout Off of Civitavecchia Harbor

04 Jul 2020 27 13 586
We had just arrived onboard the Prinsendam for a Mediterranean cruise, when we saw this waterspout in the distance. Had never seen one before.

Reflection, Bergen, Norway

28 Jan 2020 6 2 387
This was near the stern of one of the tall ships in Bergen, and I was quite taken with the reflection in the water. Only when I processed the image did I note that this became like an abstract painting. During our 2014 "Voyage of the Vikings" cruise, we stopped in Bergen for the day. Imagine our surprise, when we discovered that there was a "tall ships" event taking place. We enjoyed walking around the harbor admiring the classic sailing ships, and checking out the wonderful produce available in the stands. More photos at: Image processed with GIMP.

Raspberries, Bergen, Norway (H.A.N.W.E.)

28 Jan 2020 3 3 462
Delicious sight in the market. During our 2014 "Voyage of the Vikings" cruise, we stopped in Bergen for the day. Imagine our surprise, when we discovered that there was a "tall ships" event taking place. We enjoyed walking around the harbor admiring the classic sailing ships, and checking out the wonderful produce available in the stands. More photos at: Image processed with GIMP.