Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: doorway

Bazilika Minor Doorway, B&W version, Samotisky, Ol…

02 Jul 2009 1 1 371
One of the doorways into the courtyard also responds well to a black and white conversion.

DPP #8167 By Kostel sv. Vorsili, Prague, CZ, 2008

20 May 2009 352
In the past year or two, I've done a lot with trams passing doorways and portals of different types, since many other people on Flickr have had very good luck with this type of composition. I took this shot in front of the Kostel sv. Vorsili, or St. Ursula's Church, on Narodni Trida.

Door On Abandoned School, Josefuv Dul, Liberecky K…

01 Sep 2007 288
I wanted the photograph the whole school, and I did, but I had a lot of trouble getting the right angle AND the right light. This shot came out okay, though.

Door On Abandoned School, Picture 2, Josefuv Dul,…

01 Sep 2007 334
Actually, this is just Picture 1 converted to black and white. I wanted to try both.