Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: panning
DPP #7065 Pan on Narodni Trida, Prague, CZ, 2009
04 Aug 2009 |
I've been surprised again and again at how well the W302 can do panning. It doesn't even have manual controls, but somehow it usually works. I would have preferred for the tram to be less blurred in this shot, and for the car to be more so, but that's life. I think it came out quite nicely.
CD Freight Train, Picture 4, Litomerice, Bohemia (…
28 May 2009 |
This pan was a little bit blurrier than I prefer, but I decided to include it anyway.
Pan shot of DB/CD/MAV Eurocity, Roztoky U Prahy Na…
01 Sep 2007 |
I saw this coming from a long way off, but didn't get the classic angle of it bearing down on me, although I regretted it somewhat later, as I never got the number. This Ceske Drahy Class 371 electric was pulling a MAV (Hungarian State Railways) Eurocity from somewhere in Germany to Budapest, via Prague, so it obviously wasn't going to stop in Roztoky, and I wanted to be sure that I got this pan shot. I set my camera up, passed up the offset head-on view, and swung my body around for the pan. It worked perfectly, and now I have this, which may be my best pan shot ever. I hope you like it.
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