Jon Searles' photos with the keyword: thunderhead

Storm Clouds Over Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 2009

04 Aug 2009 245
I've attempted this shot in various guises before, but I still like to keep trying. The light of the setting sun on these two panelaks can be really eye-catching when they're backed by storm clouds, as they often are.

St. Vitus's Cathedral, Prague, CZ, 2005

01 Sep 2007 408
The original St. Vitus's Cathedral dated to 925 AD, although it should be noted that none of the original Romanesque basilica remains. It was replaced in 1060 AD by a triple-naved basilica with twin steeples, and again by the current cathedral, which was built between 1344 and 1929. Most of it, however, was constructed by the Baroque period, making it the only known church that was started as a Gothic cathedral, but was Baroque by the time the bell tower was being completed!!! If you look carfully, you'll notice that the bell tower (with the copper dome and the clock) has an observation deck, too, which is open to the public. Surrounding the castle is a series of fortifications called Prazky Hrad, essentially Prague Castle, although the castle doesn't have, and has never had, a keep. It was meant to be symbolically unconquerable, as a castle wasn't considered conquered until the keep had fallen. In any case, I like this shot because of the storm clouds in the background contrasting with the sunlight on the cathedral in the foreground. It's dramatic to my eyes, anyway.

Thunderhead On Medvedin, CZ, 2005

01 Sep 2007 358
I took this shot as a thunderhead (cumulonimbus cloud) was moving in on my hiking party rapidly. I was concerned, but our team leader considered it "quite exciting," telling us the story of when he was hit by lightening. I love the light in this picture, and the colors, particularly the yellowness of the sun behind us shining brightly on the green grass, contrasting with the dark background.

CD #371 003-5 Illuminated By A Sunset, Nadrazi Hol…

01 Sep 2007 533
I took many, many different versions of this shot while waiting for the "Hungaria" to take me to Berlin. This locomotive would be our power, but for the moment it was waiting for the train to arrive with Slovak power on the point. The lighting was what struck me more than anything, though, as Class 371s are a dime a dozen in Holesovice.