Kennet Björkman's photos with the keyword: svartvitt

Water lily

18 Aug 2017 201
Beautiful water lily in a small pond

Visiting dog

18 Aug 2017 1 1 567
Lotta petting a dog that came out of no where.

Ran in black and white

18 Aug 2017 1 322
An old boat passing by on the Sickla lake on it´s way to the lock that will take it out into the Baltic sea and Stockholm harbour

Manhattan ocean front

18 Aug 2017 236
A picture taken from the Liberty island ferry. It is an impressive sight.

Blowing the dandelion

18 Aug 2017 1 1 217
Alba sends seeds from the dandelion flying in the wind

Tova down at the lake

18 Aug 2017 461
Tova in front of the lake Vänern. Converted to b&w using Nik Silver FX


Climbing out of the bucket

18 Aug 2017 175
Sebastian climbing out of his "Jacuzzi"

An eternel view

18 Aug 2017 1 1 237
Looking out over Barcelona

Lotta Löfwall

18 Aug 2017 1973
Aportrait of Lotta Löfwall taken in Barcelone

Blues man

18 Aug 2017 273
Street musician in Rome

Sonja and Lotta 2

18 Aug 2017 775
Two cute girls with wonderful smiles

The wolf

18 Aug 2017 322
Love this picture of Sacco, it haves a certain air of mystic around it.


18 Aug 2017 751
Lotta in black and white