Andy Rodker's photos with the keyword: path

Another stile on 'my' path to the pub!

07 May 2023 24 20 241
Possibly I posted this a while back but this is a different angle and weather. Note how these stones are a mismatch of styles, Modern-ish at the top and industial tin and copper mining era (with the notches) below and the rest probably placed there long before. There are records of this path in the 13th century but it's likely to be far older than that. The stiles collapse from time to time (perhaps once every 300 years!) and you see local repairs making good as required!

Tunnel effect. Path at Springtime. HANWE everyone!

06 May 2023 24 15 185
I'll leave this one for you for now; I return to Spain first thing tomorrow morning. I have some more shots of this fave path of mine and will post them on and off together with new Spanish material. Felt like a bit of David Bowie; Sight and Sound

HANWE everyone!

05 May 2023 25 22 239
'My' path to the pub again. Every time I pass here, it presents a different face. But Spring is at its peak now, so it's to be expected. Bluebells smothering the old retaining granite wall. A definite candidate for 'plants versus structures'?! And a composition I'm particularly pleased with.

Another from 'my' path to the pub.

02 May 2023 36 27 199
It's getting very green, as you would expect at this time of year. St Day, Cornwall.

I think it's blackthorn, but hawthorn is a possibi…

29 Apr 2023 30 26 215
From my (by now well-trod) path to the pub. No horses this time but there we are. On the blackthorn / hawthorn doubt, I do know from personal experience of many years of collecting sloes that hawthorn and blackthorn very rarely, if ever, grow in close proximity to each other and I wonder why. More Janis but a goodie, imho!

Coats back on.

25 Apr 2023 27 25 241
A cold couple of days predicted. Hope you don't mind more horsey shots. They do provide some interest and character imho! A field off Pink Moors, St Day, Cornwall. I also think that this gently undulating countryside retains some interest no matter what the weather (fog excepted of course!). Definitely better on large and then large again! Sight and Sound. A mellow song from War.

Blackthorn blossom and sunset.

24 Apr 2023 32 30 237
On my usual path to the pub. Somewhat later in the day as my Dad's back in hospital (doing OK in the circumstances) and my timetable alters somewhat! The tree branch silhouettes appealed. This is pretty much as I saw it. I did a little editing simply to remove some of the excessive glare, but other than a little cropping, nothing really! Sight and sound: A bit of Van Morrison and Them never did any harm!

Granite stile

06 Apr 2023 6 8 171
Perhaps rather more modern than some of the others.

At least the gorse is coming into its own!

11 Mar 2023 21 18 192
Another staggeringly DUUUUULL day, but my walk to the pub (and watch England being trounced by France at home) is at least brightened by all the gorse bushes coming out. It seems to work OK on large. Sight and sound. An enjoyable Robert Palmer song.

HFF everyone!

02 Feb 2023 41 47 305
A granite stile and a wooden gate providing contrast. On my daily early evening walk. Sight and sound: The best soul / funk song ever (imho).

HANWE Everyone! Lane near St Day. ... And a tree t…

27 Jan 2023 33 26 247
Another low light offering on my constitutional walk at this time of day. The days are starting to get longer so I can start to use the unlit back lanes and paths at last. I would hazard a guess that this lane is very ancient indeed! I just liked this overhanging tree. View on large for a rather spooky twilight effect. PAM, I feel piskie presense on this path, Always liked this.