RHH's photos with the keyword: lights

North Pier and Light

01 May 2021 15 6 90
This was the sunset the night I went out recently with my brother and a friend to Grand Haven State Park in Michigan. There are often fishermen on the piers, usually fishing for Lake Perch, something I can remember doing many years ago with my grandfather.

Grand Haven Pier

01 May 2021 25 13 135
The city of Grand Haven, Michigan, is at the mouth of the Grand River where the river flows into Lake Michigan. The channel into the lake is bordered by two piers both of which have lights. The green light at the right of the photo is on the end of the north pier. The two red lights are at the end of the south pier and are in Grand Haven State Park. When we were in Michigan recently I did not have much time to do photography but did get out one evening with my brother and friend to see the sunset at the pier.

La Antorcha de la Amistad

08 Mar 2020 31 15 284
This sculpture stands in the middle of a busy intersection, downtown San Antonio, Texas. It was a gift of the government of Mexico. It is 65 feet (20 m) tall and weighs 45 tons (40800 kg). It is the work of the sculptor Sebastian. The tower in the background is the Tower of the Americas, an observation-restaurant tower. The other two photos are of other lighted buildings along the riverwalk.

Riverwalk at Night

08 Mar 2020 11 2 87
This is another night photo from our stroll along the riverwalk, downtown San Antonio, Texas, on our recent trip there. The lighted building on the right is the Hilton Palacio del Rio.

Tower Life Building

08 Mar 2020 13 3 80
This is the Tower Life Building, downtown San Antonio, Texas, the photo taken on a night stroll along the riverwalk.

The Alamo at Night

07 Mar 2020 31 17 191
We spent our first day in San Antonio walking twice to the Alamo by way of the riverwalk. We didn't arrive until mid-afternoon and walked there after checking into our guesthouse and then again after dark. The Alamo is one of five old Spanish missions in San Antonio and the site of an important battle for Texas' independence a battle that was lost by the Texan defenders of the Alamo. It is downtown San Antonio (the other missions are further out) and is closed at night, but beautifully lighted. The photos I've posed are from our evening walk and since I did not feel like hauling a heavy tripod around they are all hand-held. There are two insets of the city from the riverwalk, a pleasant place to walk in the evening, quiet, well-lighted with many restaurants and outdoor cafes available, and one inset of a carriage near the Alamo which can be hired for a tour of the city. They are available during the day as well, but I would be embarrassed to be seen in such a thing, and so we used our feet and bikes.

Lighted Carriage

07 Mar 2020 18 4 87
This is one of the lighted carriages parked near the Alamo in downtown San Antonio, Texas, waiting to take tourists on a night drive through the city. This was as close as we got to them.

San Antonio Riverwalk

07 Mar 2020 7 3 65
This is the San Antonio, Texas, riverwalk by night with one of the riverboats visible in the foreground. These boats can be hired for a tour of the city, but we do not like tours and so avoided them. All the night photos were taken by hand since i did not feel like hauling a tripod around.

San Antonio Riverwalk

07 Mar 2020 8 3 85
This is the San Antonio, Texas, riverwalk at night. We were on the riverwalk most of the time we were in San Antonio, twice the day we arrived (when this photo was taken and the next day for an early morning walk away from the city and then another twenty-mile bike excursion along the mission trail.

Grand Haven South Pier

01 Nov 2019 39 23 223
These are a few more photos from an excursion to Grand Haven, Michigan, with my youngest brother. It was a wet, cold and windy night but when the lights on the pier's catwalk came on we forgot our discomfort. In this photo I waited until the lights on both lighthouses, inner and outer, were shining in my direction and tried, too, to catch the reflections on the lights in the wet surface of the pier. The pier and lighthouses have been turned over to the city of Grand Haven by the US government and the catwalk with its lights have been recently restored and relit.

Grand Haven Pier

01 Nov 2019 14 1 126
Taken on the south pier at Grand Haven, Michigan. The pier guards the channel that leads from Lake Michigan to Spring Lake.


01 Nov 2019 11 2 131
The catwalk on the pier at Grand Haven, Michigan, was recently restored and the catwalk lights are on once again. The catwalk was built to allow the lighthouse keepers to reach the lighthouses on the pier in stormy weather. They are no longer needed for that purpose but are a major attraction in Grand Haven.


01 Nov 2019 11 3 106
This is the iron catwalk on the south pier at Grand Haven, Michigan. It was recently restored and the city had a dedication and relighting ceremony to celebrate. The catwalk was originally built to allow the lighthouse keepers to reach the lighthouses in stormy weather.

Grand Haven Pier

01 Nov 2019 12 3 107
This is the south pier at Grand Haven, Michigan. It's catwalk with its lights has recently been restored and a dedication was held while we were in Michigan though we were unable to attend.

Grand Haven South Pier

31 Oct 2019 29 15 190
I had two opportunities to go out with my youngest brother to do photography when we were in Michigan recently. This was taken on the second excursion, a miserable evening, cold and rainy. Grand Haven, a city on Lake Michigan, has two piers, north and south that mark the ends of the channel that leads to Spring Lake. We first walked the north pier, just visible with its green light, and then drove to the south pier and walked it. We were ready to pack up for the evening when the lights on the catwalk came on and gave us a reason to stay. Grand Haven was deeded the lighthouses and pier by the US government and started a project to restore the catwalk and lighthouses. The restoration of the catwalk was recently finished and a lighting ceremony held. The catwalk was used by lighthouse keepers to reach the lighthouses in bad weather. We've seen ice on the pier to the height of the catwalk and waves as high as the outer light, so the catwalk certainly was necessary. The project to restore the lighthouses is on-going and the lights are not open to the public, though the pier is.

Grand Haven Pier

31 Oct 2019 17 4 131
This is the south pier in Grand Haven, Michigan. The photo was taken on a wet, cold and windy evening but we thought the excursion worthwhile when the lights on the newly restored catwalk came on and spent some time walking to the end of the pier and pack for photos.

Grand Haven Pier

31 Oct 2019 13 4 98
The city of Grand Haven is on Lake Michigan and on Silver Lake which empties through a channel into Lake Michigan. It has two piers which define the channel, this the south pier. The catwalk and lights were recently restored and we were able to get photos of them when in Michigan recently, though the evening was cold, windy and wet.

Grand Haven Pier

31 Oct 2019 11 1 123
This is the south pier at Grand Haven, Michigan. The two piers, north and south define the channel which leads from Spring Lake to Lake Michigan. The catwalk and lights on the south pier were recently restored and were photographed on an excursion with my youngest brother in spite of wet, windy and cold weather.

29 items in total