RHH's photos with the keyword: oregonum
Oregon Fawn Lily
11 Apr 2014 |
This is the flower we went to photograph at Washington Park when we discovered that the Fairy Slippers were already blooming. It is Erythronium oregonum, the Oregon Fawn Lily, a wildflower we go every year to see during its short bloom season.
Oregon Fawn Lily (Erythronium oregonum)
Oregon Fawn Lily
08 May 2012 |
Erythronium oregonum is native to the Pacific Northwest and is one of our most delicate and beautiful wildflowers. It is called the "Fawn Lily" because of its beautifully mottled foliage, not shown here. This plant was photographed in Washington Park on Fidalgo Island near Anacortes, a park we often visit for its beautiful displays of wildflowers. I did not realize until I looked at the picture on my computer that there was a tiny insect on the pistil of the flower.
Oregon Fawn Lily
23 Apr 2013 |
Erythronium oreganum is one of our favorite wildflowers, but it blooms for only a very short time in the spring. These were photographed in Sharpe Park south of Anacortes. The photography was a real challenge since there was a good breeze blowing.
We were gone hiking today, so I will have to catch everyone up with comments a little later this evening. We hiked the Old Mount Si trail, around 3500 feet in elevation and over ten miles distance. It was a beautiful day and a good hike.
Oregon Fawn Lilies in situ
03 May 2013 |
These bloom for a very short time in the spring, but when they bloom they will cover large areas with their gently nodding flowers. In some cases the flowers are almost as large as a man's hand, but these were smaller. The photo also shows the beautifully mottled foliage that is the reason for the name "Fawn Lily."
Erythronium oregonum
01 May 2013 |
Erythronium oregonum is the Oregon Fawn Lily. Though the name might suggest otherwise, these were photographed in Washington and in Washington Park near Anacortes.
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