RHH's photos with the keyword: speciosa

Showy Milkweed

28 Jun 2019 35 24 259
An important plant for Monarch Butterflies this Milkweed also has very beautiful flowers. The flowers were photographed in Dry Falls State Park, one of the places we visited on our recent Washington, Oregon and California trip.

Showy Milkweed

28 Jun 2019 18 7 171
Monarch butterfly caterpillars feed only on Milkweed plants. This Milkweed is native to the western USA and though it grows near our home also, was photographed in Dry Falls State Park.

Showy Milkweed

28 Jun 2019 15 5 190
We photographed this beautiful wildflower in Dry Falls State Park in Washinton while traveling through the state to Oregon and Calfiornia.

Showy Phlox

02 Sep 2013 6 8 557
Phlox speciosa is a common wildflower in our region. The flowers are usually pink, but white flowers can be found as well. These were photographed along the Ray Westberg Trail to Manatash Ridge in eastern Washington.