David Holland's photos with the keyword: LNHS

BeetlelarvaIMG 4265

25 Apr 2019 54
Beetle larva, Bookham Common, LNHS

GreatCrestedNewtIMG 4264

25 Apr 2019 15
Great Crested Newt, Triturus cristatus, Bookham Comon, LNHS,

ToadIMG 4261

25 Apr 2019 56
Common Toad, Bufo Bufo,LNHS, Bookham Comon,

GlowwormIMG 4283

24 Apr 2019 41
Glow worm, Lampyris noctiluca on my hand

GlowwormIMG 4277

24 Apr 2019 31
Glow worm, Lampyris noctiluca, Bookham Common

NewtIMG 4275

24 Apr 2019 81
Great Crested Newt, Triturus cristatus, Bookham Common, LNHS

Bug IMG_0833

22 May 2018 28
Bug LNHS Walk Oxshott Heath

Bee IMG_0808

23 May 2018 45
Bee Oxshott Heath

Ladybird IMG_0835

22 May 2018 46
Ladybird LNHS Reserve

Millipede IMG_0803

23 May 2018 24
Oxshott Heath, unusually for a Millipede, this one liked walking in the hot sun

Milipede IMG_0797

23 May 2018 25
Oxshott Heath, unusually for a Millipede, this one liked walking in the hot sun

Ladybird IMG_0828

22 May 2018 48
Oxshott Heath LNHS walk

Ants carrying a centipede IMG_0832

Bee IMG_822

22 May 2018 41
Bee Oxshott Heath

Bee IMG_0813

22 May 2018 48
Bee Oxshott Heath

Caterpillar IMG_0838

22 May 2018 44
On my jeans Oxshott Heath

Comma IMG_00887

20 May 2018 30
Comma Oxshott Heath

Caterpillar IMG_0894

20 May 2018 12
On a sweep net Oxshott Heath,LNHS walk

26 items in total