Ronald Losure's photos with the keyword: Wheeler NWR

Great egret among ducks

White pelicans

29 Nov 2019 17 10 173
Moving to a different place on the river.

American white pelicans

28 Dec 2020 27 39 309
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos on the Tennessee River in northern Alabama Original post date: 25 November 2019

American white pelicans

26 Nov 2019 9 8 154
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos. I did my best to count the beaks in this photo, and found about 189.


26 Nov 2019 20 28 228
One whooping crane (Grus americanus) and two sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama.

Whooping cranes

06 Jan 2019 6 3 245
November 2014. The two white birds are whooping cranes. Probably the gray bird is a juvenile whooping crane.

Sandhill cranes - Antigone canadensis

27 Dec 2017 17 12 292
There was a thin layer of ice on the lake.

Sandhill crane - Antigone canadensis

Snow geese - Chen caerulescens

Whooping crane - Grus americana

27 Dec 2017 1 144
Most whooping cranes wear colored identification leg bands. This one also wears a radio transmitter.

American wigeon - Anas americana

Sandhill cranes & whooping crane

27 Dec 2017 6 3 520
Antigone canadensis & Grus americana. As of 2015 there were only 603 whooping cranes.

Sandhill cranes - Antigone canadensis

27 Dec 2017 2 2 158
Approximately 10000 sandhill cranes spend the winter at this refuge every year.

Geese & duck

09 Jan 2016 2 174
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama

Sandhill cranes

09 Jan 2016 4 2 158
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama

Whooping cranes dancing

09 Jan 2016 3 196
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama

Sandhill cranes

20 items in total