Ronald Losure's photos with the keyword: deer

Whitetail deer on frosty morning

11 Oct 2022 17 4 141
These were not near my house. They were in Indiana (much further north).

Whitetail deer playing by the pond

Whitetail deer visiting hollow tree

25 Sep 2020 3 10 186
Some nearly full-grown fawns were playing peek-a-boo with each other.

Eastern whitetail fawn

18 Sep 2020 9 12 143
Caught by my "critter cam".

Whitetail deer

04 Oct 2019 14 17 253
Caught by my "critter cam"

Whitetail deer and fawn

22 Jul 2017 14 19 323
Odocoileus virginianus

Whitetail fawn

22 Jul 2017 5 5 252
Odocoileus virginianus

Whitetail deer nursing her fawn

22 Jul 2017 8 9 273
Odocoileus virginianus