Amelia's photos with the keyword: Lichens

Lichens on a sandstone wall

Foliose lichen, Xanthoria parietina, on hawthorn

05 Feb 2018 39 41 1187
Foliose lichens are some of the largest and perhaps most complex lichens. The thallus generally forms flat, leaf-like lobes. The first PiP shows a Crustose lichen, possibly Lecanora muralis, growing on a sandstone wall. The thallus forms a crust over the substrate and is firmly attached to it. Consequently, the lichen normally cannot be collected intact without collecting a portion of the substrate along with it. The second PiP shows a Fruticose lichen, possibly Usnea subfloridana growing an a larch tree. The thallus is extended up into a tufted or pendant branched structure and is attached to the bark by a basal holdfast.