Amelia's photos with the keyword: Lichens
Lichens on a sandstone wall
Foliose lichen, Xanthoria parietina, on hawthorn
05 Feb 2018 |
Foliose lichens are some of the largest and perhaps most complex lichens. The thallus generally forms flat, leaf-like lobes.
The first PiP shows a Crustose lichen, possibly Lecanora muralis, growing on a sandstone wall. The thallus forms a crust over the substrate and is firmly attached to it. Consequently, the lichen normally cannot be collected intact without collecting a portion of the substrate along with it.
The second PiP shows a Fruticose lichen, possibly Usnea subfloridana growing an a larch tree. The thallus is extended up into a tufted or pendant branched structure and is attached to the bark by a basal holdfast.
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