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Latest comments - All (11)
 nils ♫
nils ♫
Yes it's good. I'm here for some years. They did a restyle here too. It was (is) an improvement.
11 years ago.
Good to find you from here. This site is the direction Flickr should have gone
11 years ago.
 nils ♫
nils ♫
I fully agree. Or just stay as it was.
11 years ago.
Hi Nils, ex flickr-ite here - have been with Ipernity for a while, but felt somehow guilty for leaving flickr! Not now, though...

Nice to *see* you here :)
11 years ago.
 nils ♫
nils ♫
Flickr has betrayed us. I'm extremely mad about this.
11 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?