Group: Sun - Sunsets & Sunrises

Tree's bare branches filtering the setting sun

Shadow games

The sun with an edge...

Orange mood for a Friday evening

Un lampadaire ? Pas de concurrence pour le ciel !

All the best for 2018

Ombres chinoises au cimetière

The weekend is over, time to go home

Burning November sky

Land Art: spider web in the morning

Riding into the sunset

Mystical mood

Weave of twigs with milky sky

Warm & Cold

Home scenery

Welcome 2021

Farewell 2016

As if the sky fell into the water...

Out of Africa...

Purple walls of Heaven

The dawn of a new day... Angel wings?

As if heaven has been painted... H.A.N.W.E.

Gorgeous Sky...

On the way to Ireland - HFF

Ireland is far behind