Group: Dual ★ Pair ★ Couple ★ Double ★ Bi ★ 2

Wheee! (Explored)

Look into my eyes

The start of the routine (Explored)


Death Spiral (Explored)

Hold me tight

Swing the lady

Street life of Sandakan

The Sunday reader (Explored)

Upside down (Explored)

Cicogne a Racconigi

Profiteroles and caramel sauce

La sieste des pélicans

Choti Wala

Pushing off the mound

"Look Ma, no hands"

Spash buddies (Explored)

The party's over

Clash of the Hippos

Kung fu pandas?

What did you roll in this time? (Explored)

Say what? (Explored)

I kiss your ring, my liege

Lined Sea Horse

Kings of the hill

His and hers?

Highwire heroics