Group: un chalenge personnel // eine persönliche Herausforderung // the challenge

Get Some Rest Before You Climb!

Climbing in Admont (5)

Climbing in Admont (4)

Climbing in Admont (1)

Merci monsieur ,trop aimable ...c'est un peu casse…

Use your right to vote !

Jubilee Trip 1 (via ferrata tour #100)

Narrow Path


Rare View (1)

and she will rise again - hommage a Notre Dame

mirror, mirror, on the floor

Die Brille


Dolomiti Hiking

Paternkofel Summit Cross

Rifugio Antonio Locatelli

Not Just For Climbers

Sunrise at Paternkofel

Termite Building

Bloodstained Stairs

Frankfurt Sausage

Last Step to the Peak

Walk Carefully!

H.A.N.W.E. - With Climbing

Two Thirds Managed
