Group: 400-500 views.


Stile Entrance to JIM Barnett Reserve

A place to sit and think

Overview to Llandudno Bay.

Beholding Caniçada Dam (Cávado River).

Glimpse into manor-house.

Esplanade Temple.

Performance of Thai musicians.

Mourisca tide mill (1601).

Piraino Palace (16th century).


A face on the wall, by Skran.

Municipal Hospital (1894).

Municipal Market.

Church of Trinity of the Mounts and Sallust Obelis…

Towering view.

En redescendant sur la vallée de Katmandou

Warping mural, by Hopare.

Fiat 1928.

Saint Ann Church.

Dusty window to the past.

It's only a matter of time...

Cascade on Gerês River.

Obelisk of the Immaculate.

Manueline doorway.