Group: Coup de coeur !!!

Only contributions by Andy Rodker are shown | Display all contributions of the group

HFF. Trumpet vine.

Poppy field

Parque de Los Olivos. I wonder how it got its name…

Coats back on.

Bosigran Head, Cornwall

Portreath Outer Harbour

Brooding menace.

Mothers' day flowers

Greenbank Cove, Cornwall - low tide.

The last rose

HANWE everyone

HFF everyone!

Yellow rose, second showing.

Dawn, a few days ago. Another shot from my sister.

Trumpet vine

A big wave!

Mandevilla, Dipladenia or Brazillian Jasmine.

Hell's Mouth. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

More apricots.

Olive tree, Paeque de Bravo Murillo, Madrid

Pansy escapee. Self-seeded and apparently perfectl…

Disused lane under disused railway line, Tregullow…

Poppy field

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

HFF everyone. The first rose in the garden this ye…