Group: The Artistry of Mother Nature

Thirsty Land poetry

Cynara algarbiensis

Dry Land hunter

Bike Path at Joseph Stewart State Park (+many inse…

Peacefully Flowing River.

Agressivity on Thirsty Land

forest, sky and clouds

HBM .Ghazouana

Dawn can be a feeling, sunrise in hot misty mornin…

Network Of Leaves

Bon Dimanche.

Magnificent Deschutes River at LaPine State Park (…

Galactites tomentosus, Thirsty Land Poetry

The Cove Palisades and Lake Billy Chinook Panorama…

Ruapuke Beachfront.

Bon week-end salutaire.

#25- Something wet, Buganvilea, Drops

Euphorbia kamponii

Der Hafenmeister

Rushing Waters




Sauterelles rustiques.

Thirsty Land Poetry