Group: Wild Flowers of the United Kingdom

Himalayan Balsam - Osney - Oxford - 17.8.2012


Going to Seed

Common Water-crowfoot - Tidemills - 23.5.2013

Seakale seed heads - Tidemills - 19.11.2013

Three-cornered Garlic - East Blatchington - 12.4.2…

Meadowsweet - East Blatchington Pond - 25.6.2018

Orange Welsh Poppy

Lamium Maculatum

Birdsfoot Trefoil. Lotus corniculatus


Nature Walk Along the Montgomery Canal at Maesbury…

Wood Forget Me Not

Bluebell Woods

Bluebells and Bokeh

Cuckoo Flower - Cardamine Pratensis

English or Common Bluebell

Bluebell Woods

#5 Spring Flowers. Wood anemone. A. nemorosa