Group: Train Station

Waiting #002

Menschen im Waggon


Köln Hauptbahnhof am Abend

Snowy station, with benches!

Was brummt denn da ??? ;-)

Everywhere (23.01.2024)

HBM Tua Braganca Portugal 10th August 2013

Everywhere (20.01.2024)


Walls of the new station at Blankenburg Harz

Walls of the old station at Blankenburg Harz

Berlin 2023 – Train to Berlin arriving

Berlin 2023 – Bünde (Westfalen), DIe Zigarrenstadt

240112 Alp-Grum 07

240111 Alp-Grum 19

240111 Alp-Grum 18

240111 Alp-Grum 12

Junction of College Street and Station Road

Voyagers - Reading - 20.4.2015

Der Sonderzug fährt ein ...

Churnet Valley Railway Kingsley & Froghall England…

IMG 1762©IngoKrehl

Waiting #001

Die "Bergkönigin" wird vorbereitet (clickable PiP)