Group: Ruines - Ruins

El Djem : il palcoscenico del grande anfiteatro el…

El Djem : Anfiteatro El Jem - il 3° nel mondo dopo…

Nederland - Voorst, Kasteel Nijenbeek

Ayton Castle

Bathing by the fort

Ruins of Saint Paul's - Macau

Roma : Fori Imperiali

St. Joseph's

Sego, Utah

85 - Château de Commequiers

Greece - (Old) Sagiada

Kirkham Priory Tour (8 x Pips)

Ruins of the Mosque of Quwwat-ul-Islam.

Camino del Darro. Puerta de los Tableros Granada (…

St. Andrews Harbour Entrance

Whitby Abbey Church - Eastern wall of the Presbyte…

Washburn's Station ruins


Cloister Decorated Doorway View of the Misericord

St. Andrews Castle from the Castle Sands

St. Andrews Castle above Castle Sands

Force Crag Mine Mill Building Coledale - Cumbria

Force Crag Mine Buildings below Force Crag, Coleda…

Whitby Abbey Church from the south (3 x PiPs)