Group: The Masters of Photography

A Sunset Worth Appreciating

Taking a Rest

Tattered Black Oak Leaf Caught on the Way Down

313/365: “We owe our World War veterans - and all…

Molly is a Happy Girl!

312/365: "As a single withered tree, if set aflame…

Sunset with Burn Smoke, Jet Trails, the Moon and V…

310/365: "You laugh at me because I'm different, I…

Three Amigos on a Nacho Leaf! :D

309/365: "Your success and happiness lies in you.…

Farewell, Macquarie Island

Swimming King Penguins

308/365: "Time sometimes flies like a bird, someti…

306/365: "Chance favors the prepared mind." ~ Loui…

305/365: "Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil…

The five metre rule #1

302/365: "There'll always be serendipity involved…

San Francisco Zoo: Sunbathing Penguin

301/365: "And all your future lies beneath your ha…

The Beauty of Fall

Wave at Sunset

Seastack Landscape #2

Seastack Landscape #1

299/365: "Happiness is not something ready made. I…

298/365: "Photography is an art of observation. It…

Magnificent Feather in Glowing Light

Black Oak Leaf with Tree Bokeh