Group: Astrophotography

The Fighting Dragons of Ara NGC6188

alpine milkyway

Orion(M42) & Running Man(NGC1977) - well worth a l…

Fighting Dragons of Ara By Carlos Taylor First Pri…

Rosetta Nebula and NGC 2244 (view on black)

Horse Head Nebula(NGC2023) and Flame Nebula(NGC202…

Witches Head Nebula IC2118 - Better viewed on Blac…

NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula

IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula

Carina NGC3372- Do look at this large

Running Chicken Nebula IC2944

The Southern Pleiades IC 2602 star cluster in Cari…

Nightwitchs Sterngeschichten: Orionnebel, ein Klei…

Also the sun is active again

M 13 Kugelsternhaufen (view on black)

Globular cluster M71

M27, Dumbbell nebula

Cygnus area II (view on black)

Cygnus area I (view on black)

M31 in a sea of stars that belong to "our" Milkywa…

M31 our neighbour galaxy

Deneb and North America nebula

Der Mars ist aufgegangen

Milchstraße + 2 Meteore

Milchstraße + Kassiopeia

...die Spur der Sterne

Neowise meets Berenice