Group: Foto - à la carte

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly

Awesome Short-Horned Grasshopper Doing the Hokey-P…

Love is in the Air: Mating Fuzzy Flies

Cockscomb Celosia, the Magnificent Clam Flower!

210/365: "Color is for me the purest form of expre…

Tulips (Black & White)

Gorgeous in Grey, the California Hairstreak

Pink Poppy

208/365: "Intimidation doesn't last very long." ~…

IMG 6181 living in a bubble

Minimalist Tennis 12x8

206/365: "When you arise in the morning, think of…

Bokeh Thursday: Droplets on Drinking Bottle

Bokeh Thursday: Coffee Foam

An Arizona Sunset

Mini Aetole Micromoth with Hind Legs Sticking Up

Geranium Orion, Allium giganteum


Window Display

Say Hello to Portia Odessa Goldbottom!!

204/365: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Lea…

Red & Black Wasp

203/365: "Happiness is a butterfly, which when pur…