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Porthcadjack, for Pam!

Sierra de La Cabrera, Pena del Tejo

Madrid sky

Ayllon, Segovia Province.

Pedraza, Segovia Province.

Cape Cornwall

Greenbank Cove

From Godrevy Point to Navrax Point for Pam and H.A…

Heather, gorse and bracken. Crane Castle

Rock Samphire at Tubby's Head. H. A. N. W. E. ever…

Old door, Ayllon, Segovia Province

Ralph's Cupboard at low tide

Goats. Valle de Ambroz. HFF!

South West Peninsula Coast Path, Cornwall (the las…

Porthcadjack, Cornwall

La Sierra de La Cabrera

Vendange, Samonac, October 1979. Patricia.

Caribbean blue, heather and granite

Enjoying supper! (But then, I was the chef!). From…

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Sierra de La Cabrera, granite. PLEASE STAY, DON'T…

North Cliffs, Reskajeage, from The Knavocks.

West Penwith. Cornwall, August 2015. PLEASE STAY,…

Cornish Coast

Rock pool, enormous cave, no tourists, a gorgeous…

Portreath from Treaga Hill and ponies.