Group rules
Here are the rules for Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals
Please read these two specialist articles:
1. The ipernity Homepage - Part 1
2. The ipernity Homepage - Part 2
The purpose of our homepage is explained in detail in these articles. They also define the minimum technical and design requirements for the image material.
Please also read:
3. The Layout Guidelines
Image proposals should after all generally be submitted fully edited and formatted.
● Landscape 16:9 - see: More Flexibility With The Format
● Motive centre right
● In the upper left corner no intensive image structure may impair the effect of the logo.
● technical resolution best 1920 x 1080 pixels (HDTV)
● sufficiently good image sharpness and technical quality:
- no jpg artifacts
- no banding
- no sensor spots
- no signature, please! (It will be automatically generated by the system)
- no frames, please
- file format jpg
By placing an image in this group, consent is given for post-processing and publication on the ipernity homepage. Furthermore, consent is also given that copies of the homepage showing the provided image may be used for advertising ipernity.
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