Group: Notable buildings.

City Hall, in Bívar Palace.

Heidelberg - Schloss

Rad Cam from Brasenose

St John's College Front Quad

Munster - Ollershof

Norden - Deichmühle

Lloyds Bank, Halifax.

Mals - St. Benedict

Venezia - San Michele in Isola

Golden Moments

Cathédrale St Pierre - Beauvais - Picardie Oise by…

Schloss Klink

Venezia - Basilica di San Marco

Moschee-Innenhof / Schwetzinger Schloßgarten

The Wartburg on a dark and rainy Day

Mauritius (168)

Gare centrale

Happy Rizzi House

Le grand escalier

Ziegeleipark - Hoffmannscher Ringofen III

Schnee fällt

Alte Oper, Frankfurt

Ribat - ancient fort in Tunisia nearly 2000 years…

Amphitheatre in Athens

Salzkontor | Holstentor